10 Easy Steps to Teach Your Kid to Do a Cartwheel

Have you ever wanted to teach your child how to do a cartwheel, but didn’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we’ll break down the process into 10 simple and easy-to-follow steps. From warm-up exercises to proper hand placement, we’ll guide you through each stage to ensure your child masters this impressive gymnastics move. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to help your little one cartwheel their way to success. So grab your child’s hand and get ready to embark on a fun and exciting journey of learning together!

Ensure Safety Measures

Clear a safe space

Before teaching your kid to do a cartwheel, it’s crucial to clear a safe space for them to practice. Make sure there are no sharp objects, furniture, or obstacles that could potentially cause injuries. It’s best to choose an open area, such as a spacious living room or a soft grassy yard, where your child can move freely without any restrictions.

Provide a soft surface

To minimize the risk of injuries, it’s important to provide a soft surface for your child to practice their cartwheel. Opt for a gymnastics mat, a foam mat, or even a pile of cushions. This will provide a cushioned landing and reduce the impact on their wrists and ankles when they perform the skill. Remember, safety should always be the top priority!

Remove any obstacles

In addition to clearing a safe space, make sure to remove any potential obstacles that may hinder your child’s cartwheel practice. This includes items like toys, loose wires, or anything else that could pose a tripping hazard. By removing these obstacles, you create an environment that allows your child to focus solely on learning and perfecting their cartwheel technique.

Warm-Up Exercises

Engage in light stretches

Before attempting any physical activity, it’s crucial to warm up the body and loosen the muscles. Encourage your child to engage in some light stretching exercises to prepare their muscles for the cartwheel. Simple stretches like arm circles, toe touches, and quad stretches can help prevent injuries and improve flexibility.

Do jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are an excellent way to increase heart rate and warm up the entire body. This simple exercise helps your child activate their muscles and get them ready for more dynamic movements like the cartwheel. Encourage your child to perform a set of jumping jacks to get their blood flowing and their muscles warmed up.

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Practice balancing exercises

Balance is a key component of a successful cartwheel. Incorporate some balancing exercises into your warm-up routine to help your child improve their stability. Simple exercises like standing on one foot, walking on a straight line, or practicing a tree pose can enhance your child’s ability to maintain balance during the cartwheel.

Demonstrate Proper Technique

Break down the cartwheel motion

To help your child understand the proper technique involved in a cartwheel, it’s essential to break down the motion into smaller steps. Start by explaining that a cartwheel is a sideways movement where the body rotates sideways, with hands and feet touching the ground at different intervals. By breaking it down, your child will have a clear understanding of the sequential actions required.

Show correct body alignment

Proper body alignment is key to performing a cartwheel effectively. Demonstrate to your child the correct body position, ensuring they understand the importance of keeping their body in a straight line throughout the entire motion. Emphasize the need to engage their core muscles, maintain a straight back, and extend their legs fully for optimal performance.

Explain hand and foot placement

Hand and foot placement play a crucial role in executing a smooth and controlled cartwheel. Show your child the correct hand and foot placement, guiding them on where to position their hands and feet during each phase of the cartwheel. Explain that the hands need to be shoulder-width apart, slightly turned out, and placed firmly on the ground, while the feet should be staggered with one foot leading and the other following.

Practice Hand and Arm Movements

Focus on hand placement

Hand placement is vital for maintaining balance and stability during a cartwheel. Encourage your child to focus on placing their hands correctly on the ground, feeling the pressure evenly distributed through their palms. Practicing handstands against a wall can help your child develop the necessary strength and confidence in their hand placement.

Teach arm movements

Besides hand placement, arm movements greatly contribute to the fluidity of a cartwheel. Instruct your child on the importance of swinging their arms in synchronization with their legs, creating a smooth motion. Encourage them to initiate the cartwheel by raising their arms overhead and then swinging them down as their legs come up and over.

Emphasize keeping arms straight

Keeping the arms straight throughout the entire cartwheel is essential to maintain balance and proper form. Remind your child to avoid bending their elbows during the skill, as it can lead to imbalance and prevent a smooth execution. By emphasizing the significance of straight arms, your child will learn to perform a more controlled and visually appealing cartwheel.

Develop Upper Body Strength

Incorporate push-ups

To build the necessary upper body strength for a cartwheel, incorporate push-ups into your child’s training routine. Push-ups target the chest, shoulders, and arms, which are all actively engaged during a cartwheel. Begin with modified push-ups, such as kneeling push-ups or against a wall, and gradually progress to full push-ups as your child’s strength improves.

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Try monkey bars

Monkey bars are a fun and effective way to strengthen the upper body, particularly the arms and shoulders. Encourage your child to spend time on monkey bars at the playground, challenging themselves to traverse across the bars. This activity not only helps develop the required muscular strength but also improves grip strength, which is beneficial for cartwheel execution.

Use resistance bands

Resistance bands are a versatile tool that can be used to target and strengthen specific muscle groups involved in a cartwheel. Have your child perform exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and shoulder presses using resistance bands. These exercises will help your child build the upper body strength necessary for performing a powerful and controlled cartwheel.

Master the Kick-Over

Practice kicking over from a lunge

To master the kick-over, which is a key component of a cartwheel, start by having your child practice kicking over from a lunge position. Begin in a lunge with one leg forward and the other leg extended backward. Instruct your child to kick their back leg up and over into a handstand position, keeping their body aligned as they kick over.

Work on balance and flexibility

Achieving a successful kick-over requires a combination of balance and flexibility. Encourage your child to work on improving their balance by practicing one-legged balances, such as a flamingo pose. Additionally, incorporate stretching exercises like lunges, splits, and hamstring stretches to enhance their flexibility, making it easier for them to kick over smoothly.

Encourage confidence

Confidence plays a significant role in mastering a kick-over. It’s essential to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for your child to build their confidence. Offer positive reinforcement, celebrate their progress, and remind them that everyone learns at their own pace. With time, practice, and a boost in confidence, your child will be performing kick-overs with ease.

Work on Leg Movements

Teach leg placement

Proper leg placement is crucial for executing a cartwheel gracefully. Teach your child how to position their legs during different stages of a cartwheel. Emphasize the need to split the legs wide apart during the midsection of the cartwheel, maintaining a straight line from their fingertips to their toes. Practice drills that focus on leg placement to help your child master this aspect.

Practice leg split

To improve leg flexibility and achieve a beautiful split during the cartwheel, encourage your child to work on their leg split stretches. Have them practice side lunges, middle splits, and butterfly stretches regularly. By increasing their flexibility, they will be able to achieve a more extended and aesthetically pleasing leg split during the cartwheel.

Emphasize pointing toes

Pointing the toes may seem like a small detail, but it adds a polished and elegant touch to a cartwheel. Remind your child to keep their toes pointed throughout the entire motion, including the entry and exit phases. Encourage them to focus on this aspect during their practice sessions, helping them develop a habit of pointing their toes consistently.

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Improve Coordination

Include hopscotch exercises

Hopscotch exercises are an excellent way to improve coordination and balance, which are essential for a successful cartwheel. Set up a hopscotch grid using chalk or tape and guide your child through various hopping patterns. This activity will enhance their ability to transition between different positions smoothly, making cartwheel coordination easier to achieve.

Try skipping and jumping

Skipping and jumping exercises are fun ways to improve coordination and rhythm, both of which are essential for executing a cartwheel. Encourage your child to practice skipping and jumping in different patterns, such as skipping sideways or jumping with alternate feet. These activities will help them develop better body control and enhance their overall coordination skills.

Practice hand-eye coordination drills

Hand-eye coordination is crucial for landing a cartwheel precisely and safely. Introduce hand-eye coordination drills such as throwing and catching a small ball or beanbag. This activity will enhance your child’s ability to track objects visually and react quickly, improving their overall hand-eye coordination, which is beneficial for a successful cartwheel.

Spotting Techniques

Learn how to spot

Spotting is a technique used to provide guidance and support to a child when they are learning a cartwheel. As a parent or instructor, it’s essential to learn proper spotting techniques. Spotting involves being positioned close to your child, ready to assist them in maintaining balance or preventing falls. Always ensure your child’s safety by offering support and guidance throughout the learning process.

Provide guidance and support

When spotting a cartwheel, it’s crucial to provide clear instructions and guidance to your child. Communicate the corrections and adjustments they need to make while performing the skill. Support your child by providing a physical presence near them, ready to stabilize or catch them if needed. Offering guidance and support will give your child the confidence to try new skills and progress in their cartwheel journey.

Ensure safety during the learning process

While teaching your child to do a cartwheel, safety should always be the top priority. Ensure that proper safety measures, such as a safe practice area, a soft landing surface, and the removal of any obstacles, are in place. Be vigilant during the learning process, and step in whenever necessary to prevent any potential injuries. Safety precautions and constant supervision are vital for a risk-free and enjoyable cartwheel learning experience.

Gradual Progression

Start with assisted cartwheels

At the beginning of their cartwheel journey, it’s helpful to start with assisted cartwheels. Stand beside your child, holding their waist or legs lightly, and support them as they perform the skill. This assistance provides the necessary stability and reassurance for your child to get comfortable with the motion, helping them build confidence gradually.

Gradually reduce support

As your child becomes more comfortable and confident, gradually reduce the level of assistance provided. Begin by offering lighter support, such as a gentle touch to guide them or catch them if needed. Over time, continue to reduce the level of support until your child is independently performing the cartwheel. This gradual progression allows your child to develop strength, coordination, and confidence at their own pace.

Encourage independent attempts

Once your child has mastered the basics and can perform a cartwheel consistently, encourage them to practice independently. Allow them to explore and experiment with their technique while providing positive reinforcement and feedback. Celebrate their progress, no matter how small, and encourage them to continuously work on perfecting their cartwheel. With practice, perseverance, and support, your child will confidently execute beautiful cartwheels on their own.

Teaching your child to do a cartwheel requires patience, practice, and a focus on safety. By following these steps and providing a supportive environment, you can help your child develop the necessary skills, strength, and confidence to perform an impressive cartwheel. Remember to always prioritize safety, offer guidance, and celebrate their progress. Enjoy this journey together and watch as your child embraces the joy of mastering a cartwheel!